Posted December 28 '07: Release January 1st 2007: Salvatore "Days Of Rage" (RJCD036) 2007’s first album is Salvatore’s 6th, and is released on New Year’s Day. Now the ever-evolving band features two new English members: Anthony Barratt from Billy Mahonie (Too Pure) and Leon Muraglia, the man behind the legendary Kosmische Club in London. Still having one foot in the Kraut department, they have added more electronic elements. It might their most accessible album this far.Working with John McEntire on they're two former releases, this one sees them taking more control, together with long time Salvatore sound engineer Ingar Hunskaar. The result is a more playful approach, with letting loose some great new energy. The album shows a raw, compelling, propulsive side to Salvatore, exploring beat-driven areas that have generated a wild enthusiasm in audiences at recent concerts. Not quite rock/pop, and not quite art/experimental, Salvatore inhabit an important mid-point in contemporary music. The music is intelligent, but does not compromise on heart, and that great feeling of euphoria. Upcoming Norwegian tour:
January 17 - Kristiansand - Trash Pop
Download newsletter for Days Of Rage Posted May 10 '06: Tour coming up in Spain and Portugal:
Les Basses
Propostes Festival
This time with seven people in the band. Two new guitarists replacing Jørgen skjulstad.: Anthony Barrat and Lars Horntvedt.
Their next album will probably be out in the fall of 2006.... Posted April 22 '05: Salvatore will tour Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia, and Italy in May. Some more dates may come up. Posted April 17 '05: The band have now launched their own web site, where you will find essential Salvatore info as well as pictures, and even some exclusive music downloads. Check out for yourselves here Posted Desember 2 '04: Salvatore will tour Germany and Austria in January. Check out the dates here Posted August 28 '04: Following the American (Nail distribution) and European (Glitterhouse) re-release of their fourth album "Tempo" there are some new reviews to check out .
Posted April 5 '04: The first Norwegian reviews of Luxus are ticking in,
and they're loving it!! Read the reviews (only in Norwegian) Posted March 12 '04: Salvatore are finally ready with their fifth album Luxus. The album was recorded in Oslo, but once again they've collaborated with John McEntire who mixed the album in Soma Studio in Chicago. Luxus is heading in a different direction than Tempo, and although it was recorded in Oslo, this is their most global sounding record to date. Audible influences from elements like Jamaican Dance Hall to West African and Turkish traditional music, combined with improvised noise parts and their permanent kraut leanings this makes it their most exciting album to date. Another new element is the use of vocals, but we're still not talking pop music here.... There has also been a change in the line-up, with guitarist Ola Fløttum (The White Birch, Portrait od David) leaving the group, and multi instrumentalist Jørgen Sissifus Skjulstad (Center of the Universe, Now We Got Members) joining the band, but both are present on Luxus. Other guest appearances include Frances May Morgan and Leon Avanti (Now og Radio 9), the Slovenian string quartet Vašem Zdravlju Orchestra, and Racing Junior's own P. Klostermann debuting on guitar... Release date: April 13. For Salvatore's own homepages, go to www.salvatore.no